
Let the conversation BEGIN!

You might have already seen this Hillary Clinton = IBM = Big Brother circa 1984 ad, but if you haven't check it out. While I agree it's not really fair to compare HRC to Big Brother, this fake, apparently untraceable, ad does a real good job visualizing the utter blandness of her political leadership and vision. People, especially Dem primary voters, are sick of the mendacity and double talk of the Bush administration (see above), and she announces her campaign by calling for a conversation. Apparently it's a conversation that doesn't include anything about Iraq, and if you think invading Iraq was something you should apologize for, well you can go vote for someone else you goddamn dirty hippie.

“If the most important thing to any of you is choosing someone who did not cast that vote or has said his vote was a mistake, then there are others to choose from,” Mrs. Clinton told an audience in Dover, N.H., in a veiled reference to two rivals for the nomination, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois and former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina.
She's right. If you are so short sighted as make some minor vote about invading some foreign country and has lead our nation down a dark, endless tunnel full of blood, oil, and hard currency, well, you can go ahead and vote for someone else. She doesn't need you loser!

What she does support is a woman's right to choose! Um...actually...as long as we can find a "middle ground", i.e. abortion is legal (for the non-poor), but shameful and disgusting.

At least she didn't do something crazy like SPONSORING a flag burning law by comparing it to the KKK burning crosses! .... What, really? Wow, she does suck!