Leaving on a jet plane
But I know when I'll be back again. Soon. Anyway, till then I thought I would revel in Barbara Boxer obviously (obviously!) reading this blog by referencing a previous post. Mostly watch the clip to see how much of a jackass Inhofe is: actually asking questions that attack Gore personally, but then telling him he'll have to respond back in writing cause his answer will "take too long"!
Also, this is good for the argument over "executive privilege", a model of honest and honorable debate. What's even more funny than the total transparency of what Snow is now saying is his claim Rove and Meirs can't testify under oath because it would taint the advice the President is given....in a case (the firing of US attorneys) the President claims he had no involvement in. Okay.
And, let's all hope the Edwards press conference tomorrow is horrible, horrible news.
I guess the original Donald and I will see you on the other side.