Pay a dog to burn down a hospital!
At The Crackpot Times we are huge homers and crazy. Lakers in six! There has been some shocking happenings in the playoffs, mainly the Mavs/Warriors and the brink of being swept Miami/Bulls. But if you have any doubt how huge the NFL is, think about how the biggest sports news today was probably the NFL Draft. I don't have much to say than "boo-hoo" about Brady "He shows courage in 24 point defeat!" Quinn and the Eagles picked up a QB who recently was bagging groceries at ShopRite.
The NFL draft now just reminds me of the massive Pat Tillman cover-up that is only just now being uncovered. Actually, take "uncovered" back and replace "reported on nationally". This Frank Rich column makes much of the timeline surrounding Tillman's death by friendly fire in relation to the exposure of the tortures at Abu Ghraib and other events in April 2004. This is a good point, but I think another, often unspoken reason was Tillman's death occuried the week of the NFL Draft. Why bother saying he was killed in a senseless, bizarre act of friendly fire when you could just say he died a hero, bury him, and hope the family never asks anymore questions? Here's a key section of Rich's column and this weeks White House Correspondents' Association dinner:
It’s the practice on these occasions that the president do his own comic shtick, but this year Mr. Bush made a grand show of abstaining, saying that the killings at Virginia Tech precluded his being a “funny guy.” Any civilian watching on TV could formulate the question left hanging by this pronouncement: Why did the killings in Iraq not preclude his being a “funny guy” at other press banquets we’ve watched on C-Span? At the equivalent Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association gala three years ago, the president contributed an elaborate (and tasteless) comic sketch about his failed search for Saddam’s W.M.D.But whatever, this is depressing sports and politics related stuff. Let's learn and laugh by watching this educational video about sloths. Enjoy!
But the revelers in the ballroom last Saturday could not raise that discrepancy and challenge Mr. Bush’s hypocrisy; they could only clap. And so they served as captive dress extras in a propaganda stunt, lending their credibility to the president’s sanctimonious exploitation of the Virginia Tech tragedy for his own political self-aggrandizement on national television. Meanwhile the war was kept as tightly under wraps as the troops’ coffins.