
Funny stuff, upcoming programming

Sorry for not posting for a bit, but I went on a trip. Look at that lyricisim, you can only get that kind of stuff here! Anyway, I plan over the next few weeks to do post on the various California initatives. There are alot of them, and honestly lots of them are confusing. I don't claim to know everything about them, but I will try to do a little bit of research on them, present them, and give you my completely liberally bias, anti-family, pro-drinking opinion on them. Here's a preview: down with the cigarette tax!

Till then, there's a great post on the pro-Fox news op-ed in today's LA Times. Great stuff! In that spirit, above is an example of the "anti-elitist" Fox News view, and below a great moment in punditry from the Editors. Enjoy!