
George Allen: First Amendment defender

How dare you suggest my mother, who I keep telling you was held by the Nazis during WWII, is Jewish?!?!?! Never has there been a more vile slur!

The Senator's Gentile Rebuke - Dana Milbank, Washington Post

"It has been reported," said Fox, that "your grandfather Felix, whom you were given your middle name for, was Jewish. Could you please tell us whether your forebears include Jews and, if so, at which point Jewish identity might have ended?"

Allen recoiled as if he had been struck. His supporters in the audience booed and hissed. "To be getting into what religion my mother is, I don't think is relevant," Allen said, furiously. "Why is that relevant -- my religion, Jim's religion or the religious beliefs of anyone out there?"

"Honesty, that's all," questioner Fox answered, looking a bit frightened.

"Oh, that's just all? That's just all," the senator mocked, pressing his attack. He directed Fox to "ask questions about issues that really matter to people here in Virginia" and refrain from "making aspersions.
Allen actually started his shocked outrage by quoting from the 1st amendment. He's right, when will you crazy liberals learn religion has nothing to do with these elections. I guess you'll do anything to draw attention away from our crusade-like mission led by our God-chosen leader against the evil Muslims!

You Tube has the video up here. It is somehow worse than it sounds in text. What's the deal with the booing?